Friday, July 27, 2012

Benefits of Switching to Electronic or Smokeless Cigarettes

There are many reasons why a person should not smoke. Many of the health problems that are associated with cigarettes are well known; cigarettes can cause different types of cancer and lead to stroke, heart disease and many other serious problems. Cigarette smoke can also stain the teeth of the smoker, affecting his or her appearance. A smoker often smells like cigarettes, it is an essence that is hard to get rid of.

Cigarettes are expensive, costing thousands a year to the smoker. Second hand smoke it a real problem to those who spend time with the smoker, they can end up with many of the same health problems. Cigarette butts are one of the leading kinds of litter in the world. There is no question that people need to stop smoking. The problem is that it is difficult, for some people it is next to impossible. There is a new solution that makes it easier to break the habit.

The advance of technology has offered hope to smokers who want to quit. Although they are fairly new, smokeless cigarettes are gaining popularity. They are simple devices that use liquid to mimic the effects of smoking. The liquid is heated and turned into a vapor, which is what is "smoked". It looks and feel to the smoker like a regular cigarette but it has many benefits.

The first benefit of an electric cigarette is obvious. It is much healthier to the user than regular cigarettes are. The health risks of regular cigarettes are greatly reduced when switching to smokeless cigarettes, the user will feel a difference in no time at all. It is also much healthier for those around the user. There is no smoke so there is no second hand smoke. There is no flame so the risk of burns is also gone.

The second benefit of electronic cigarettes is the amount of money that will be saved once the switch has been made. A good quality starter kit may seem expensive at first but once that cost is weighed against a few cartons of cigarettes it is obvious that money will be saved. The user will need to buy the juice used for the electronic cigarettes but that costs a lot less than the alternative. The starter pack will have the necessary cords to recharge the unit. A car charger can also be purchased, usually at an additional cost.

There are also many other benefits of switching to electronic or smokeless cigarettes. The vapor will not discolor the teeth of the user. A beautiful white smile is possible once again and there will be no more smoker's breath. Since there is no smoke the user will not smell like smoke all the time. The home of the user will not smell bad anymore, neither will the person's clothes. Since the unit is rechargeable there is no waste, which means no litter. The user will not have to give up the feel of smoking, since the electronic cigarettes mimic the regular kind.